Bona tarda a tothom! Feia MOOOOOLTS dies que no actualitzava el blog i m'heu de perdonar però això de l'estiu i les vacances m'ha tingut una mica desconnectada. Tot i això no he perdut la inspiració i aquí us deixo un dels dibuixos que he fet juntament amb un "poema" que també he escrit jo. Espero que us agradi i també espero que estigueu passant un molt bon estiu!
First sight.
It stopped the world.
I can perfectly remember how it felt to stare in his eyes.
Just five seconds and it stopped the world.
One minute before I was lost. I was about to give up, but someway his eyes saved me and made me feel like a red
rose in the middle of the winter.
The clocks and the calendars started to fight against me and every hour, week or day of my life seemed to fall into
the thought of him.
And the clocks and the calendars were still playing against
me, so I made my move.
But there was no reply.
Everything was empty.
No reply.
All of the boxes full of his details disappeared and my
heart started to froze.
My eyes were full of cold little teardrops and my legs were
like two giant icebergs who decided to stay at the scar of my soul.
So it was dark again, he left me alone inside the cave of broken hearts and he
liked to play with mine.
My broken heart.
Somedays he felt like bringing some light but as the time
passed by I became his shadow.
Nevermind, I was his something.
Fool of me I was his something.
Instead of being his everything I was just something.
I became the "something" of my
Because he had been and he was always going to be my
Marina Serrallonga.