dilluns, 27 d’abril del 2015


Hola tothom! Avui porto unes notícies molt especials.
Recordeu el JOC DE L’OCA que vaig publicar ja fa un temps? 
Doncs Edicions Bromera la publicarà inclosa en una avaluació externa per a llengua de 3r de primària, amb l’objectiu que els nens i nenes relacionin el text amb la imatge.
Serà un material que els professors es podran descarregar a la seva web: www.bromera.com

¡Hola todos! Hoy tengo unas noticias muy especiales.
¿Recordáis el JUEGO DE LA OCA que publiqué hace un tiempo?
Pues Edicions Bromera la publicará incluida en una evaluación externa para lengua de 3º de primaria, con el objetivo de que los niños y niñas relacionen el texto con la imagen.
Será un material que los profesores se podrán descargar en su web: www.bromera.com

Hello everybody! Today I'm bringing you some special news.
Do you remember the Game of the Goose that I published some time ago?
Well, an editorial named Edicions Bromera will publish my illustration included in an external language exam for kids with the aim that children relate the text to the image.
It will be a material that teachers will be able to download from this site: www.bromera.com

Torno a adjuntar el tauler de l’oca, per si no el recordeu:

Vuelvo a adjuntar el tablero de la oca, por si no lo recordáis:

In case you don't remember it I publish the board again:

dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2015


Bones a tots!
Us deixo amb aquesta il·lustració que vaig fer fa uns mesos  i un petit text. Espero que us agradi!

Os dejo con esta ilustración que hice hace unos meses y un pequeño texto. ¡Espero que os guste!

Hey! This is an illustration that I did a few months ago with a text that I wrote for it. Hope you like it!

Every single time I see him it feels like my heart wants to get wings and get away from my body to move into his veins and stay there forever. It seems like my arms want to hold him so tight that nothing in this world could make him fall. It seems like my lips want to get so close to his mouth that any word in this planet could not hurt him. However my brain is also playing in this game and it is starring the wicked side. So it breaks my heart in two because of the feeling of not having him, it makes me feel like my arms will never be strong enough to even touch him, and it seems like my lips will never have the strength to pronounce his name and say something so simple but as the same time so big as "I love you".

Marina Serrallonga.